How to heal from anxiety, stress, PTSD, MS, panic attacks, cancer and a lot more besides.
The Still Point and the Dance
John Boulderstone
The role of the life force
Life force exists in every culture
Belief isn’t a requirement
Feeling the life force
Using the life force in daily life
Chapter 2: I-force (what we use to fight the life force)
I-force - resistance to the life force
Feeling the life force in another person
The case of the moving shoulder
Practising the Boulderstone Technique
Do it now
The case of Laura
Our body always knows
Ego, persona and personality
How we get ill
The story and the dance are constructions of the ego
Chapter 3: Causes and Cases (the story is not the problem)
The dance isn’t the problem
The case of Charlie (happiness)
The case of Jo (sexual abuse)
The story isn’t the problem
Any symptom can have any cause
Remove the real cause and the problem goes away
The story about how you got here isn’t important (unless the story continues)
The case of Chris (sheep dip)
Chapter 4: What is Health? (The question doctors avoid)
Western medicines are designed to deal with symptoms not health
Western medicine's obsession with symptoms
Drug recalls
The difficulties with defining health
Physical symptoms may seem to have mental or emotional roots
All symptoms have causes
The case of Sarah
What is an alternative philosophy?
Health of the whole
Getting better
Definition of health, illness, disease and healing
Chapter 5: Inner Battles (the basis of illness)
We get better on our own
We fight the healing process
Pain and sensation
Chronic Pain
Inner battles
Anyone can have an inner battle
Resolving inner battles
Symptoms point to inner battles
The size of the inner battle is dependent only on the patient
Other inner battles
Inner battles are only created by the individual affected
Drugs distract
​Projecting inner contradiction
Freedom from inner battles
Maintaining freedom
Life's purpose
Bacteria and viruses
Chapter 6: The Dancing Mind (nice moves)
The mind dance
Moving to a still point
Burnout and fatigue
You are your best diagnostician
Chapter 7: The Dances
Trauma, Post-traumaitic stress an panic attacks
Processing an event or trauma using the Boulderstone Technique
Trauma truths
Panic attacks
How to become resilient to trauma
Spider and other phobias
Multiple Sclerosis
Autism and vaccination
Unnamed and unnameable illnesses
Chapter 8: Allergies and sensitivities
Food sensitivities (allergies and intolerances)
How sensitivities are created
Ingesting inappropriate substances
Can you stop people being allergic to nuts?
Scary dairy
Asthma, eczema, acne
Why can’t you remove a dairy problem?
Vitamins and minerals
Chapter 9: The still point
The solution
Finding the cause
Appendix: Insights, truths and lies
(Only available in the printed version)
What it's like to be a Boulderstone Technique therapist
The Western medical industry
The language of 'knowing'
How to self-remove PTSD
The 21 day meditation course